Quantum Leadership Advisor / Speaker
- Breathing Life Back into Your Business is a Kai-Zen Quantum Philosophy that raises higher consciousness and humanizes the work place for the well being of all... a process Inger uses to facilitate leadership to develop a work culture of community that propels continuous innovation and personal fulfillment ...Inger believes that this, in turn, breathes life back into all which allows the company to flourish with sustainable growth, growing the mission statement and embracing it at a higher compassionate human awareness level.
- When advising leaders, Inger's goal is to develop strategic ways to maintain their own energy, identify obstacles in multi-dimensions, knowing when to advance with successful action plans, and build quality management systems that reinforce the new paradigm of 5-D Quantum Leadership that facilitates the well being of all.
- Advising company leaders to flourish with a full spectrum approach that opens higher levels of personal and collective consciousness to generate collaborative and economic prosperity.
Are any of these dilemmas part of your current situation:
1. You are sensing that your life or your business has hit a wall of resistance and needs new options and find intuitive guidance?
2. Your organization has challenges with communication that turns more times than not into conflict/drama than is unnecessary and are looking for ways to train your management team on how to build a thriving culture of community that brings more meaning to life?
3. As an entrepreneur, you are burning both ends of the candle stick and feeling drained, needing more life energy and meaning to life?
4. Your business is doing so well and is growing so quickly, that it needs some guidance to bring it to next level of expansion that is guided by your intuitive heart center?
5. You love what you’re doing but want to incorporate more of a heart-centered culture for your organization that continues to bring innovative ideas to the world?
Keynote Speaking:
- “5-D Leadership: Establishing a Sacred Rhythm with Work and Life”
- “Quantum Leadership: How to Keep Employees Engaged and Sustain Innovation?
- “Bridging the Generational Gap Mindfully with Quantum Field Energetics”
- “Create a Thriving Higher Conscious Culture of Community for Your Organisation”
- “Breathing Life Into Leadership with a Quantum Leap”